Hard to believe it’s been 3 years since you began helping G. I know it’s not been easy and G has at times been very complex to try and support, however your input and support has been great and I’d like to say thank you. My wife and I have sometime looked to you for reassurance and support over and above what you’re paid to provide which I can imagine requires much patience and compassion from your side, so thank you for that also. G’s Speech has developed far beyond what I thought it would 3 years ago, and you have been an integral part of that process which to G will be indefinitely invaluable.
I would like to highly recommend Jess. She has worked absolute wonders for my son who has a speech delay. She really built up a rapport with him and contoured every single activity to his level of understanding which in turn meant he engaged very well with her and had a lot of fun as well. He is only 4 and doesn’t have much of an attention span but oh my did Jess manage to keep his attention on point. He has come on leaps and bounds since these sessions begun and I would not hesitate to use Jess again in the near future. She really is such a gem.